Anupama 26th June 2024 Written Update: Anuj Confronts Shruti’s Secrets

Gautam kumar
3 Min Read

In today’s episode of Anupama: Anupama asks Shruti an important question, but Shruti makes an excuse, claiming she is ill. Anuj and Aadya become concerned about Shruti. Anupama advises Shruti to take care of her health, and Anuj takes Shruti back to the hotel.

Vanraj questions Anupama about her relationship with Shruti, but Anupama tells him to mind his own business. Vanraj confronts her about sending Devika after him. Anupama responds that she will find out what he is up to, and Vanraj challenges her to keep trying. Shruti worries that Anupama might expose her secret to Anuj.

Anupama assures Shruti that she won’t hurt Anuj and Aadya by revealing her secret and asks Shruti to attend Dimple’s wedding. This angers Shruti. Anuj notices Shruti’s restlessness and asks if everything is fine between her and Anupama. Shruti is taken aback and wonders if Anupama will reveal the truth to Anuj after the wedding.

Leela discusses a ritual, and Dimple mentions she has no uncle to perform it. Anupama reassures Dimple and invites Bhavesh to perform the ritual, making the Shah family happy. Vanraj suspects Anupama might be deceiving them.

Anupama loses her balance, but Anuj catches her. Vanraj taunts her about coming between Shruti and Anuj. Devika checks on Shruti, who responds to her. Anuj talks to Anupama and asks her to give a gift to Dimple on his behalf. He reminisces about Samar, and Anupama advises him to move on without feeling guilty. Anupama plans to discuss the spice and chutney business with Anuj, worrying Shruti that her secret might be revealed. Anupama thanks Anuj for helping the workers at Spice and Chutney.

Bhavesh performs the ritual for Dimple and Titu. Anuj advises Titu to take care of Dimple, and Titu assures him. Later, Yashdeep helps Anupama in the kitchen and asks when she will return to the USA. Anupama says she will come later.

Yashdeep discovers that Shruti had Smith write negatively about Spice and Chutney. Anupama instructs Yashdeep not to mention Shruti’s name to anyone. Anuj learns the truth about Shruti. Yashdeep asks Anupama if Shruti should be punished, but Anupama says she doesn’t want to cause Anuj and Aadya any pain. Anuj is shocked.

Next Day: Anuj confronts Shruti and ends their relationship. Shruti asks Anupama if she loves Anuj.

Read – Anupama 25th June 2024 Written Update: Anuj’s Search and Shruti’s Deception

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