Anupama 28th June 2024 Written Update: Anupama and Anuj’s Love Prevails

Gautam kumar
5 Min Read

Anupama Today Episode: Shruti tells Anupama that it would have been better if they had cleared things earlier because these discussions are now pointless. She explains that if she marries AK (Anuj Kapadia), three people will be unhappy, so it’s better if she steps back and lets the other two be happy. Shruti admits defeat and steps back, urging Anupama to cherish the true love she has found. She emphasizes that no one can take Anupama’s place in AK’s life.

Aadhya starts crying, and Shruti comforts her, calling her “my baby.” She tells Aadhya to be mature and understand that her parents have sacrificed a lot for her. Shruti points out that not everyone is lucky enough to have a mother’s love, sharing that her own mother has passed away. She advises Aadhya to reconcile with Anupama.

Shruti turns to Anuj and Anupama, urging them to reunite and become a couple again. She says that since they can’t stay away from each other, they shouldn’t try to. She offers to perform the wedding ritual when they marry and apologizes for her past actions. She asks for forgiveness from Dimpy, Tapish, Baa, and Babu Ji, admitting that love made her act out of jealousy and anger. Before leaving, she urges AK and Anupama to reunite.

Vanraj confronts Anupama, accusing her of breaking up a family even before marriage. He mocks Anuj for giving Shruti false hopes of marriage and criticizes Anupama for being with Anuj under the pretense of caring for Aadhya. He curses that Anupama will never be happy with Anuj, just as he and Kavya weren’t happy. Anupama, deeply hurt, runs away, asking Lord Krishna why she is always blamed for others’ mistakes and pleads for her daughter Aadhya’s happiness.

Baa comments on the chaos the day before the wedding, with everyone discussing Shruti’s actions. Vanraj blames Anupama, while Toshu claims Anuj and Anupama planned everything. Kavya questions if Shruti did the right thing, and Vanraj insists Anupama forced her into it. Pakhi expresses doubts about Anupama’s intentions. Titu agrees that Shruti’s actions were wrong, leading to the wedding being called off. Vanraj anticipates the marriage the next day, while Babu Ji informs Baa they will leave after the wedding.

Anuj asks Shruti to open the door, while Aadhya blames Anupama for intentionally making Anuj overhear their conversation. Anuj defends Anupama, asking Aadhya not to interfere. Aadhya questions if Anuj will not marry Shruti now, but Anuj sends her back to her room. Dimpy mentions that Shruti was right about Anuj and Anupama reuniting, and Kavya adds that Anuj’s first love is Anupama, and they should be together. Meanwhile, Anupama reflects on Aadhya and Vanraj’s words while walking on the road.

Beeji discusses with Yashdeep about Anupama and Anuj’s love, acknowledging their mutual feelings and wondering why they are living separately. Yashdeep expresses his wish for Anupama’s happiness, which he believes lies with Anuj, and Beeji agrees to pray for them.

Shruti finally opens the door, letting Anuj in. She offers him coffee and apologizes, admitting her mistakes without seeking forgiveness. Anuj apologizes for losing his temper and asks about her medicine. Shruti acknowledges that she was wrong to try and replace Anupama, realizing now that Anuj and Anupama love each other. She tells Anuj they should always remain friends and assures him that she will not be upset if he decides to marry Anupama. Shruti frees Anuj from any guilt, encouraging him to make his own decisions. She asks Anuj to live for himself and reunite with Anupama.

Anupama, confused and in pain, wonders how she came between Anuj and Shruti. Shruti sends Anuj out of her room and closes the door. Anupama cries, feeling lost.

Next Day: Anupama is crying in the rain when Anuj appears with an umbrella. He tells her that he has always been there for her and will continue to be, as his journey begins and ends with her name.

Read – Anupama 27th June 2024 Written Update: Anuj and Anupama’s Love Confession

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